Thursday, January 13, 2011

Book: How To Read a Person Like a Book

"O, what men dare do! What men may do! What men daily do, not knowing what they do." 

'Much ado about nothing' by Shakespeare

"How to Read a Person Like a Book" by  Gerard Nierenberg

As part of my interest in self improvement books and attempts to better my social skills, this is a review on a book that I'd read a while back. It's called "How to read a person like a book" by Gerard Nierenberg.

This book is written in such simplicity that makes it easy to follow. In essence, it explains how different interrelated facial and body movements can be interpreted for a meaning. Much supported with some self proclaimed social studies. Frankly, I can still remember the book to a fair extend of detail and I don't think it'll be forgotten easily either anytime soon. And that's the point. The book might suggest some really common sense material and might even be in the very basic level which we observe in people every day but we don't pay much attention to. One of the features of the book that I like is that it is accompanied by a series of drawings which depicts the expression od each described gesture for the ease of understanding.

Personally I think it was a terrific book to read and I had lots of fun reading on some of the descriptions I was more familiar with. So if you wanna catch someone on a deliberate lie or simply tell what someone means to say by their hand movements, this is definitely a book for you. 

"Watch out for the man whose stomach doesn't move when he laughs." 
Cantonese proverb

P.S- Both quotes at the top and bottom were extracted from the book which i found very interesting. Every chapter started with one of them. 


Last updated: 10th July 2012


Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I am so getting that book!! Where did you get it? Borders, MPH?
Sounds like a lot to learn from it!!

Young Engineer said...

I can lend it to you if I can find it in my old pile of books. Else you can find this book practically anywhere. :)

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